Saturday, November 18, 2006


In recent times I have been reading the blog of Matthew Good, of Matthew Good Band fame. His blog has a few of the usual blog posts about his life, the weather (he lives in Vancouver), and other not-particularly exciting things. However, he's also an activist and writes a lot about activism. And I agree with most of what he says, namely:

1- The government is not democratic so much as plutocratic (rule by the rich.) See post below.
2- American foreign policy harms everyone, even those it is supposed to be helping, with the exception of the corporations that benefit from war or from US intervention. On this note, Iraq is a complete mess and Bush should be impeached.
3- Ignorance is NOT bliss, it is an obstacle to actual improvement of any situation.

This blog is to be found at Notable posts are:
The price of ignorance:
Summary of the arms trade:
And "Just Math" on this page:


Isabel Montoya V. said...

And utterly Right.

Unknown said...

A couple of days ago, Blair admitted that "the invasion of Iraq is/was a disaster".

Yet, Bush, Blair & Co. do very little to fuckin' stop what they've started - when most European countries are pulling back their troops from Iraq, having fulfilled their tours of duty, (as far as I know) Britain is maintaining the number of troops sent; the US is sending more.


When thousands of American troops are overseas, fighting in a country which would rather be poor but independent than be poor but under mostly-american rule (I am insinuating that Baghdad has a puppet government - run by good ol' Uncle Sam), the guys in charge don't do jack.

Why? Plutocratic form of government.

Therefore, I do agree with you dude, as well as with Matthew Good.

Slayer of Oliver the Fairy.