Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Brevity is the soul of wit

I've decided that in the interests of improving my writing, I'm going to edit my posts more. Be more concise, make things more interesting, maybe even research what I'm talking about. They'll probably come less frequently than they have been recently, which is probably a good thing as I'd admire anyone who's read everything I wrote recently. (There being lots of it, and a few odd posts.)

For one thing, I'll make even less spealling mistakes since I'll write them out in a word processor. Oh, and hopefully the text is easier to read now.


Isabel Montoya V. said...

Seeing as I can´t spell to safe my life, you writting in a word prossesor does not change my opinion on your post as I dont look for spelling mistakes but on the content.
Now that we are talking about content I am glad that the topics that interest you have made you want to improve your writting and that you are so in to your topic that you want to learn about it is always on the plus side. I must say it saddens me that the blogs will be less often but I guess I can always go up the stairs three flights to talk to you. Oh the strain of walking!! =)

Unknown said...

I hope you spealled "spealling" wrong intentionally.

(yes, methinks I got the joke)

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This one, is, in this case, yours truly.
