Tuesday, November 21, 2006

The Significance of Star Wars

(I've decided to write a post that doesn't deal with a serious issue.)

Did you know that there are people in this world who haven't seen the original Star Wars movies? (I don't mean the unedited versions, I mean Episodes IV, V, and VI.) Some people haven't even seen one of the six. In fact, there are some people in this world who, get this, don't like Star Wars. Weirdos.

To be perfectly honest, the Star Wars movies (referring from now on only to the original ones) are not without their flaws. The acting wasn't exactly stellar and some of the lines they deliver are pretty corny. They're still amazing movies because the story and the world it's set in are, in my mind, awesome. Come on, Jedis and X-wings? Tell me those aren't cool! Part of what makes these movies so special is that I saw them when I was a kid, and they're part of my childhood. I wanted to be a Jedi, have a lightsaber- heck, I still want those things.

It's not like Star Wars has had a huge impact on who I am today- it's not that significant. I'm not a Star Wars nerd, I don't own the action figures, and if I argue about it with my friends it's because I argue all sorts of crap with my friends. And if the subject of the new trilogy comes up, I will despair and possibly rant, because they could have been SO GREAT, but instead they were merely ok.

If I were a Jedi, I'd occassionally fuck with people's heads just for fun :
"You are not on Earth."
"You should dance naked in the streets."
"Your name is Filbert MacGonalogolous. Your great-grandfather was a Greek that moved to Scotland."
That would be so awesome.


Isabel Montoya V. said...

I say it once again you are an evil genious. I find it that you should be bored more often since it leads to blogs!!!

Unknown said...

I must admit, the "Greek that moved to Scotland" part made me crack up.

I'd like to thank you for following my suggestion and posting something not as serious.


Meanwhile, I did find the post about Star Wars interesting.

I, for one, have not seen all movies. I think I've seen about 1.5 out of 6.

No, I don't think they're nerdy, no, I don't dislike them. I just am not into the whole thing. It's the same with me and LOTR. Yeah, it's alright, but it's just not me.

BTW - Blind Guardian released an album based on LOTR. It's called "Nightfall in Middle Earth". Though I'm not a fan of the trilogy, that album is exquisite. Thou should listen.

Star Wars ? Aye. As I was saying, I do understand the people that are total freaks for it - but it just hasn't caught on to me. :)

Right Mate - one more day of class left this week - 6.5 hours of torture. Blegh.

All the best,

Vlad the Romanian Star Warrior.


Odm said...

Vlad, I've said it before but it bears repeating: You are a fucking heretic.