Rantosaurus? Drunkosaurus!
Yesterday I wrote a bitter, bitter, totally serious rant mainly focused on the weather. Today I have a more cheery topic: alcohol. I drank today, the first time since I got here (surprisingly enough for a college student) and the first time since mid-August when I partied it up on the Queen Mary II. Much of the reason I drank tonight was that I was with nice, friendly people. I don't like drinking with strangers, particularly as I take a dim view of the inebriated, even when fairly soused personally.
Today happens to be the last day of classes, surely a cause for celebration. Some friends of a guy whose girlfriend is a friend of mine were celebrating this in the aforementioned friend of a friend's room. This involved a lot of alcohol. I felt bad about drinking other people's alcohol and so was sober most of the time. Someone invited me to drink, I drank someone else's beer (they didn't mind), and drank some rum that that the friend's friend definitely didn't want, and lo and behold I was fairly drunk. On the sillier side of tipsy, one might say. Also known as the most drunk I ever want to get.
It was quite fun. I was more animated, had fun playing drunken ping pong, accidentally kicked someone in the head while trying to climb over the back of the couch, had some excellent drunken debate, and eventually at 2:30 decided I was tired enough to go to bed. In my livejournal blog I once wrote about alcoholism and how I hate losing control of myself. Well not only do I know that first of all, I never do anything I couldn't think of doing while sober, and secondly I rarely get to the point where that's even an issue. And since I had a lot of fun tonight, more fun than I would have had sober, I'd like to propose a toast. To alcohol, neither the cause of nor the solution to all of life's problems, but definitely excellent in moderation.
(Ha, I can write proper sentences while tipsy.)
My little Oliver is growing up! To Alcohol!!!!
May you learn that getting drunk with friends is one of life's greatest joys... and it might amaze you, but I've been sober since Thursday.
Well... so much for the run
Oh Ollie! Cheers to seeing you drunk! Although I was drunk my self the memories are still very clear! It was a very halerious insident.
- misses seeing Oliver drunk -
Ale for everyone!
I wanna see you drunk 0_0 So funny.
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