Schrödinger's Blog
I've always believed I publish online so that my writing would be enjoyed by my friends as well as subject to criticism. By writing, I am forced to choose a position and be able to defend it. Unless I write, I will strongly hold beliefs without good reasons, and I find I'm forced to agree with every contrary opinion I come across, which is quite painful.
I've always thought that, so long as I write, I should post it online for others to see. As a result, my blog is like Schrödinger's Cat, except closer to dead than alive. You can visit my page and determine whether my blog is still alive, but one update is no guarantee that others will follow. But after months of not updating, I'll post something and show that it's not really dead.
I don't like the zombie-status of my blog. I've realized that I don't really care that people be able to criticize what I write, because there have only been a few constructive comments from strangers. I'd like my friends to read my blog, but I suspect you're all bored of it. So, my friends, if you're actually still interested in my opinions, let me know and I'll post them online. Until then, I'll be writing for myself.