Is that a bat? (Warning: bat pictures.)
Nik had invited some friends over for a last dinner for his friend and roommate, Rob, for the past few weeks who flies to Paris tomorrow for a few days and then on to West Africa. After dinner we were all sitting around sipping beers when Nik sits up, looks at the kitchen and says "Is that a bat?" So we stand up and walk towards it and sure enough, holy crap, it's a fucking bat. I say a "fucking bat" because I was so surprised to have a bat IN OUR KITCHEN that that's what I kept saying. I thought it was super-cool. I grabbed Nik's camera to take a photo, only he (she? It's adventurous and stubborn, it's a he,) had gotten a grip on the blinds of the backdoor and wasn't moving. Nik goes to open that door in the hopes that he'll fly out, I get into position to take a photo, and the result is this:
(Scrolled down in order to not have to fix formatting, and sideways because Nik's computer has no editing software. And it's 1 am.)
The bat swooped by me and disappeared. It was actually really funny because Rob, who's this ex-Mustang-driving ex-firefighter, is freaked out by the bat. I mean, it's a frikking bat, not a wolverine. It's pretty much a bird, only it swings around like crazy so it is kind of scary. We looked around and couldn't see him, so we thought he'd flown out suddenly. We went back to the party, one awesome photo later.
Few hours pass, everyone's gone and Nik's actually gone to bed already when all of a sudden I see the bat flying around the kitchen again. We'd closed all the doors, so it has to be the same bat. I dance out of the way of the bat singing (well not really) "Holy fuck holy fuck holy fuck it's the bat." Rob arms himself by pulling his T-shirt over his head and grabbing a pillowcase (not a pillow.) The bat flies around and freaks Rob out and then passes out on the curtains. The curtains by my bed (well, comfy couch.) So I dance around a bit, and take some more photos. The best one's below.
So I figure I have to do something about this bat, so I grab a big black sheet and fold it up a lot. As carefully as possible (after five minutes of being unsure whether to do it) I grab him and fold the sheet over him. Well I more just carry him. Then I threw him out the backdoor. Which was really stupid, because the poor bastard couldn't fly, he couldn't even fly a straight path when I tossed him. He ended up flopping out and hitting our garbage can, which I feel quite bad about. I should have just placed him on the ground, but I wasn't expecting him to be stunned. A bird would've flown off right away. Anyways he looked fine because right afterwards he picked himself up and flew off. I miss him already.
A fucking bat! How cool is that?